You see.. It's actually a year ago that I went to Google office in Aus. It was actually for an event where they wanted to introduce more Girls to do IT. Therefore enforcing 'Girls at Google' day which I went there for one whole day to experience what they actually do in Google, there was a few people from other schools including me. This happened in the beginning of '09 (last year). Throughout the whole day we got a tour around the office as well as a few insight on the process of how searches are done, how it's programmed, it was actually pretty interesting, somehow I'm interested.

For privacy had to blur my name and everything out, but I did leave my nickname visible "Sa". Anyways we got to keep the nifty Google neck strap :)
Anyways feel's like I'm somehow promoting Google and IT, it was an awesome experience, an experience that I would never forget. That's why thought I'd like to mention it in my blog, even though this event was a year ago I still kept all the freebies I got from Google. Ended up getting like a notepad, sticky notes, a "lego block" money box, anyways overall it was fascinating and fun at the same time.
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