Isn't it pretty? My very first kimmidoll. Yes, it's the famous kimmidoll collection. I wont be collecting the kimmidoll's but I just love this one that I have the urge to buy another one. It's a decorative gift incluenced by Eastern culture. There are different kimmidolls with a a meaningful name and meaning behind it.
For example this one is called Kokoro meaning 'heart' in japanese. In the gift box there was also a collectors card.
Kokoro 'Heart' My spirit brings warmth and love. By living with an open; generous, kind and forgiving heart, you share my loving spirit. Be guided by the spirit of love in all that you do, and you will enjoy a fulfilling and abundant life.
Yes, finally I decided to post. Haha, yeh I was a bit lazy since school starts next week. I have to start school next week, so I had to use all the spare time I have. This was ages ago but, I want to announce that I bought the Super Junior repackaged album (DVD and CD). Costed me $20. I've actually bought this album last holiday (4 months ago) Just want to show off a bit :)
Sally is her name. Bored and lives as a net junkie therefore making her lazy. Sees the cup half full. Finds the sky mysterious Ambition.
LIKES The endless blue sky. The cuteness of a turtle. The dreamy colour blue & grey/silver. Her lovely friends. Lemon ice tea. The gorgeous Alex Fong Lik Sun, Super Junior, SNSD, A.CHORD. Her blue mp3. Warm/cool days. Her calculator xP. Scribbling & drawing.
HATES Waking up early. Been disturbed. People who lie to her. Avacado. The colour olive green. Cold days.
SOMEDAY Get a camera phone. Clean my room. Get over 80% in biology, english and legal. Get a new wallet. UTS Be famous.
I've recently been soompi-ing. Theres a specific post that stated that Adriel (Spanish singer) ripped-off Super Junior's song "U".
Here's the article i found ;)
Spanish singer plagiarize a Song from SuperJunior Hello everybody! Look this carefully! this news was published in HATO fanclub (latin American and Spanish Sj fanbase):
"In this musical world, there is a music festival called Eurovision Song Contest, where all the european (and some asian) countries send their best contestants with brand new songs to represent them in order to win.
It's a great contest, believe me, I follow this contest since 8 years ago and, what I'm about to say is something that it's still unveliavable for me.
In Spain, the method they had to choose their contestant in the Eurovision Song Contest is to hold an internet open poll where all the songs (455 songs) are uploaded to a webpage and all the people (not including spanish people) vote for their favourites. I was voting for all the ones I liked when I found out something so disgusting, so humiliating for all of us ELF.
Click this link and then, press the play button to listen to the song:
Yeah, that's right. It's the instrumental version of U with other lyrics... That's not fair at all!!. He broke one of the most important rules: to make a song fully original (lyrics and music)., the official spanish fanbase of the Eurovision Song Contest wrote something about this case, case that I reported, this is the quote: said: disappointments and doubtful songs in
- Adriel Solo Un segundo: Published before october 1st 2008. Using the instrumental version of U, a hit song from the Korean Boyband Super Junior (SJ) that was published in 2006. Adriel has said in the Myspace forum that he did use the instrumental version because of lack of time, and that later on he will remake the song.
What do you think about this? do you think an excuse like this can be given in such an important contest like this? do you think someone professional enough can STEAL a song from other group.
Let's do something about it, we can do it!"
Credits: (Latin American and Spain Super Junior fanbase) English:
Believe it or not... is Super Junior that famous in Europe countries too?
For people who haven't noticed, remember the kpop boybands that debuted last year or '07, and some how dissappeared? I feel sorry for these groups, but I do have to say some of the groups did FAIL to catch attention, and thats the reason they're lost in the midst of the industry. Well after digging up some news about the un-noticed boybands that debuted last year, heres what happened/happening.
After their debut of 'Emergency', the 6-member group came up with 'Never Ending Story'. After that... they were on hiatus? People who are major fans of this group probably knew they released a Christmas song (I guess no one knew the existence of that, I found out on those dedicated fan forums). Recently, they.. uh.. not sure, they somewhat have made no comeback whatsoever, and so they are considered to be one of those failed groups (sorry SMASH fans)
CRED: aoiare After being noticed as XING a 4 member group in the early '06-'07 . They are now existing till now as XING OPERA after the original members left and the company started rotating new members into the group. They finally made their debut perfomance even though they existed till '07; bit late eh? Their recent album Memorize features the 8 members vocal powers. I gotta say they're quite good, but is it me or do they look like vampires and that member 'White' looks so much like Brian from FTTS? Let's look forward to more of their performances, unless they dissappear like SMASH.
A'ST1 Yes, remember the challenge scroll they promoted abut 'challenging' Super Junior? Made up of world-lingo members ranging from Japan, China and Korea? To be honest I haven't heard about their recent activities, but they have being working their vocals off at Japan. Their first showcase was at Japan as well as more camera time at Japan promoting their recent releases and all. When they first debuted; to be honest they weren't as great hit as what you call 'Super Junior disciples", they sky-rocketed because of that promotion clip (thanks to ELFs), but after clearing that situation should I say they fell back down? Catch their recent interviews on youtube, i'm not bothered wasting my time posting clips up about this group.
DNT Dragon N Tiger. They debuted as a fresh new 4 member boy band but with the uniqueness mixing ballad and dance? The Dragon part of the group will dance and the Tiger are in charge of ballad vocals. These two yin and yangs come together to form the Dragon N Tiger (DNT). Yes a weird group indeed, but they are one of the those groups that are overlooked upon. I was deeply interested with them once I heard their debut song 'Two people and Afterwards" too bad no one else was interested. But they are active in the kpop industry performing their news song "I have a lover" and all. To be honest this group was one of the those decent groups that leave a good impression, but some people didnt have taste I guess.
(Note: there are many more boy groups that went 'poof', but I'm not bothered to mention them)
Yes, it's all I can hear from SNSD's new mini album song Gee. It was officially released on Monday Yesterday (6/01/09). We're all waiting for their comeback tommorow with their MV release.
The song composer was the person who composed Lee HyoRi's U-Go-Girl believe it or not and D.I.S.C.O song.
Let's look forward for SNSD full-packed performance comeback with the MV shall we?
For now I'll share a bit of the GEE GEE GEE love with you. You may download the full song here. =)